Solutions Brief

Improve security while driving productivity

The right digital identity strategy helps manufacturing organizations balance security and compliance with workflow efficiency to drive productivity and boost output.

When productivity disruptions hit the manufacturing industry, virtually everyone feels the impact. In addition to impairing the financial performance of the organization directly involved, the negative effects sweep across the supply chain to both sellers and purchasers of goods.

These disruptions include challenges affecting the efficiency and security of operational technology (OT), business-critical equipment used to manage and control operations. The good news? You can leverage proven solutions to ensure workflow productivity and the security of this critical equipment.

In this manufacturing industry brief, we provide perspective on these challenges and solutions, highlighting:

  • Issues impacting productivity and security such as cyberattacks, third-party access vulnerabilities, and shared-device risks
  • Strategic digital identity solutions designed to solve these workflow, security, and compliance challenges

The industry brief also features a link to our Digital Identity Maturity Assessment, which can help manufacturers assess the current maturity of their digital identity strategy and get actionable guidance to build a comprehensive plan.

Download the brief to learn how to get started on constructing a comprehensive digital identity strategy for manufacturing.

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