On-demand webinar

Why Cybercriminals Are Coming For Your Credentials

Passwords are the key to the digital castle, so protecting them is the most important part of any cybersecurity strategy. Unfortunately, bad actors are making away with credentials at alarming rates, and causing data breach after data breach with those stolen credentials. According to the 2022 Ponemon Institute Report, 54% of security incidents in the last year were classified as credential theft. That’s 54% too many, especially when so many solutions exist to keep those passwords out of the wrong hands.

Watch the on-demand webinar to learn from SecureLink’s Product Marketing Manager, Kylie Ruiz, where she discusses:

  • How and why credentials have become major targets for hackers
  • Where organizations are failing when it comes to credential and user identity management
  • Solutions organizations can utilize to streamline their management and stay secure

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