On-demand webinar

5 Strategies to prevent privileged user abuse in Salesforce

Privileged users in Salesforce may be people at a keyboard, or they may be applications and interfaces interacting with your instance. Either way, they have higher levels of permission than the standard user.

Privileged users hold the keys to your kingdom – including sensitive proprietary business and customer data. One misstep, either intentional or accidental, could devastate your organization. In fact, 80 percent of security breaches involve privileged user credentials, according to Forrester. But how do you know who they are — or keep track of what they’re doing within Salesforce?

Featuring Mark Bowling, Consulting ISO of United Capital Financial Partners, discussing the issue of privileged users in your Salesforce instance and the risks they can pose to your organization.

In this on-demand webinar to learn how to:

Identify your Salesforce privileged users and what they have access to.

  • Implement key security controls, policies, and procedures that improve your compliance posture and secure your data (and that of your customers), specifically with regards to GDPR and ISO 27001.
  • Provide the right permissions to the right users to minimize your attack surface.
  • Detect unusual behaviors, such as a larger-than-average export of data by a specific user, a login from a suspicious location, or access by an unauthorized application.
  • Develop an appropriate incident or breach response plan in the event that data is compromised within Salesforce, and perform forensic investigations in response to law enforcement, regulatory, or e-discovery requests.

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