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Connect with an Imprivata mobile expert

Unlock the power of frictionless, secure mobile workflows

Whether you’re focused on leveraging shared mobile devices, personal mobile devices – or both – we understand the challenges at hand. You need to accomplish a careful balance that ensures strong security, privacy, and compliance, without compromising clinician workflow freedom, flexibility, and efficiency. And we know that if you achieve one of these goals at the expense of the other, it’s a losing proposition.

Imprivata can help. We unlock the power of mobile for healthcare organizations by delivering secure, efficient mobile workflows. We do that through our digital identity solutions, which:

  • Eliminate friction that can create frustrating access barriers
  • Reduce points of exposure on mobile devices and applications
  • Enable secure, real-time access to critical tools and information from anywhere, anytime.

Want to find out more? Connect with an Imprivata digital identity expert, who will learn about your specific mobile environment and provide you with actionable advice on achieving the all-important security/efficiency balance. And start taking your mobile strategy to the next level.

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