On-demand webinar

EPCS: What you need to know to meet DEA requirements and drive provider adoption

EPCS can help deliver a number of significant benefits to providers and patients, but to enable EPCS, organizations must meet a number of DEA requirements. These requirements are designed to track and audit the connection between practitioners and the signatures they use for EPCS orders, and they include provider identity proofing, logical access control, two-factor authentication, and the various reporting requirements.

Understanding these requirements is essential to ensuring a fully compliant EPCS process. At the same time, it is important to consider the impact to clinical workflow when making key decisions throughout the EPCS initiative.

View this on-demand webinar to learn:

  • The benefits of moving to EPCS
  • The full DEA requirements
  • Common misconceptions about EPCS and how to avoid them
  • Considerations when selecting a solution, particularly around two-factor authentication
  • Measurable results other organizations have achieved through successful EPCS implementations

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